First Rivers | An OTT Guide Series | "P.B." | The Lower Salmon River Queen
Guides' First Rivers Series River guides are notorious storytellers. And whether they be true or tall or somewhere in-between, the stories we tell about the river are a part and reflection of our own story. They are a part of who we are and we will be. (Deep water, brother...) So, in this spirit of storytelling and in homage to rivers everywhere, we've asked our guides to recall a notable "first" paddling experience, broadly defined, and to tell a story about that experience. THE LOWER SALMON RIVER QUEEN Makepeace employing the "Slagle Brace" midway through China Rapid on th... Keep reading ›
River Wisdom Wednesday | Albert Einstein
The Rogue River has always seemed miraculous to us. Discover it for yourself. Keep reading ›
The 7 Wonders of Oregon | From Crater Lake to Rafting the Rogue River
Why Crater Lake is Awesome (in the true sense of that word) 1. It's deep water, Brother. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States (in terms of maximum depth). Crater Lake is deepest lake in the Western Hemisphere (in terms of average depth). Crater Lake is the seventh deepest lake in the world. 2. It's clean, clear and under control. Due primarily to the absence of any inlets or tributaries, the waters of Crater Lake are singularly clear of pollutants. 3. It's water has memory (figuratively speaking) As aforementioned, there are no rivers or streams flowing di... Keep reading ›
OTT Guides in the Offseason | Chasing Waterfalls | East Fork of the Lewis River, WA
What TLC didn't realize is sometimes waterfalls chase you.Orange Torpedo Trips River Guides living up the Offseason on the East Fork of the Lewis River, WA.Learn about our summer commercial trips at http://www.orangetorpedo.com/oregon-rafting/.[Music: Waterfalls, by TLC. (C) 1994 LaFace Records LLC] Keep reading ›
First Rivers | An OTT Guide Series | "Pretty Richard" Alves | Salmon River Love
Guides' First Rivers Series River guides are notorious storytellers. And whether they be true or tall or somewhere in-between, the stories we tell about the river are a part and reflection of our own story. They are a part of who we are and we will be. (Deep water, brother...) So, in this spirit of storytelling and in homage to rivers everywhere, we've asked our guides to recall a notable "first" paddling experience, broadly defined, and to tell a story about that experience. Salmon River Love Richard, his fiancé, Jamee, and her dad, Grant, on the Main Salmon River in our pr... Keep reading ›
River Wisdom Wednesday | Henry David Thoreau
We dream of rivers. What fills your dreams? Keep reading ›
Orange Torpedo Trips' Friend of the Month | March 2014 | Laurie F.
OTT Featured Friend | March 2014 Laurie F. What trips/rivers have you run with OTT? Lower Salmon - 2011; Rogue River - 2012 & 2013; Sun Koshi, Nepal - 2013; and I already signed up for the Klamath 2014 Hotshot trip *I bought my own IK--not as good as OTT SOTAR version--for paddling practice, however, there are no rivers in Georgia that can compare! What was your first trip/river with OTT? Was this your first river trip? Why did you choose OTT? My first trip with OTT was on the Lower Salmon River, Idaho. I did Cataract Canyon with a large group on J-rigs that same summer, and ... Keep reading ›
First River Rafting Trips | An OTT Guide Series | Travis | Ongoing River Firsts
Guides' First Rivers Series River guides are notorious storytellers. And whether they be true or tall, the stories we tell about the river are a part and reflection of our own story. They are a part of who we are and who we will be (deep water, brother...). So, in this spirit of storytelling and in homage to rivers everywhere, we've asked our guides to recall a notable "first" paddling experience, broadly defined, and to tell the story of that experience. In this installment, OTT guide Travis Tocher recalls not his first river or river trip, but a series of firsts surrounding the river an... Keep reading ›
River Wisdom Wednesday | Andre Gide
Photo shot by Eric Weiseth on the Bhote Kosi River in Nepal Keep reading ›
Paddling Big Water: A Guide's Guide
With Spring around the corner, conversation around here has started to turn to snowmelt, rainfall, and the prospect of Big Water. Definitions: What it is! OTT Guide Matt Weiseth bombing into Ikes Falls on our 2013 Klamath Hotshot Season Starter The question is: what constitutes Big Water? Not surprisingly, there is no set criterion here--and as we've talked about this piece, the issue has turned into something of a debate among some of us here at OTT. Some of us contend that when we talk about Big Water, what we’re talking about is high volume rivers and/or comparatively highe... Keep reading ›