• Spark Up Your Summer With Whitewater Rafting!

    If you're looking to add extra excitement to your summer, rafting is a great way to spend the days! This exciting adventure sport is perfect for those looking for a thrill. The rushing water and the beautiful scenery make for an unforgettable experience. Want to know more about it? Keep reading and be ready because, by the end of this article, you'll feel like packing your sunscreen and heading to the nearest river for some wet and wild fun! 4 Reasons Why Whitewater Rafting Is The Best Summer Activity A rush of adrenaline: There is nothing like hurtling down a river at br... Keep reading ›

  • The Evolution of the Life Jacket

    The Life Jacket History A life jacket, also known as a life preserver, is a piece of equipment designed to assist a person in staying afloat in water. It does this by providing buoyancy, which helps to keep a person's head above water. People often use life jackets for swimming, boating, or fishing. This amazing invention has a long and interesting history. The First Prototypes According to reliable sources, water lovers used hides, bladders, and hollow gourds before the invention of the first wearable personal flotation device (PDF). The first life jackets comparable to modern ones were on sa... Keep reading ›

  • Precautions when Whitewater Rafting

    Whitewater rafting is a thrilling adventure that can provide hours of excitement for people of all ages. However, there are some basic precautions that should be taken into consideration before embarking on this journey. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key safety measures that should be observed when whitewater rafting. We will also point out some unsafe practices that are often seen within the beginner’s experience and can lead to potential danger. 2 Important Safety Precautions Wear The Correct Gear One of the most important safety precautions to take when whitewater rafting i... Keep reading ›

  • Rogue River Whitewater Rafting and Camping in 2022

    We still have some space for this summer on one of America’s most sought after river trips, the Wild and Scenic Rogue River. Our 4-day camping trips make for the perfect family getaway!  This trip is: Simply amazing - EVERYONE LOVES THE ROGUE. Easy to get to - We meet 3 miles off I-5. Easily done in a week - Tuesday launch and Friday off the river. Perfect whitewater for everyone - Hard enough for the river pro but still great for the kids. Abundant wildlife - Who does not love seeing eagles, otters, osprey’s... Keep reading ›

  • 5 reasons rafting trips are the best family vacations

    Call me biased but I think multi-day rafting trips are the best family vacations you can go on.  My kids have been on some amazing vacations but we keep coming back to the river and every year they are itching to go.  Here are 5 reasons rafting trips make the best family vacations. 1. Escape the screens! This is not just the kids.  Sure my kids are at their best when they have been away form the screens for a couple days.  You can watch their creativity come out, their playfulness grow, their ability to just sit and relax increases.  But so does mine!  As a busy business owner I live on my sc... Keep reading ›

  • Meet your guide - Benito

    Benito is a guide that guests love. Kind, hard working, thoughtful and obviously at home on the river, he is someone everyone loves floating with Keep reading ›

  • Meet your guide - Melody

    Mel, as we call her, is one of those guides that every guest remembers. I regularly get e-mails from guests commenting on her incredible kindness, leadership, and un-parralled work ethic Keep reading ›

  • The Grand Canyon of the Salmon River

    The Grand Canyon of the Salmon River is one Keep reading ›

  • River Guide Spotlight - Tim Satre

    River Guide Spotlight - Tim Satre

    Tim has been an icon of the Rogue River for decades. We wanted to hear from Tim directly about the Rogue River, guiding, kayaking and his time floating. Keep reading ›

  • Why I love our raft supported trail trips on the Rogue and Salmon Rivers

    Over the years I have floated the Salmon and Rogue Rivers more times than I probably dare to count.  These are places where the rocks feel like old friends, pieces of the landscape which bring back memories of great adventures in the past, landmarks which drum up feelings of familiarity and being at home. And yet, one of the other things I love about these incredible river canyons is how much is left to discover, as my first trip down the trail showed me. If rafting the Wild and Scenic Rogue River is an adventure in the familiar for me, I assumed hiking the trail would have a similar fee... Keep reading ›